Do you carry a torch for anyone at the moment?
Have you ever been on a double date?
Would you like to tie the knot?
Have you ever two-timed a partner?
Would you try speed dating?
What age is best to settle down?
Do you know anyone with a bun in the oven?
Haven’t got a clue what any of these expressions mean? This section is for you.
Scroll down to see some picture idioms and expressions about love and relationships.
break up idioms
Let’s kick things off with idioms about breaking up. I bet everyone reading this has had a break up at some point in their lives.
Now, break up is a phrasal verb that is commonly used to describe a couple ending their relationship and separating. Synonyms include:
- Finish – Paul and I have finished.
- Separate – We’ve decided to separate, we can’t stay together just for the kids.
- Split up – I can’t believe Anna and Peter have split up, they were such a lovely couple.
- Part ways – Marco and Lucas have parted ways, it just wasn’t working.

dating idioms
Next up is dating. If you don’t know what it is, i’ll fill you in.
Dating is when you spend time with another person to figure out if you like eachother and are compatible. This can include eating at restaurants, going to a bar, cinema etc. If everything goes well, the couple can then decide if they want to make it official and start a relationship.

friendship idioms
Friends! Everyone has them and they make life so much more fun, don’t they? I’m sure you all know what a friend is, but just incase…
Friends are other people who we get along with very well. You enjoy spending time socialising with them and having fun and enjoying life.

love idioms
After you’ve dated and started a relationship next comes love. Let’s learn some idioms about being in love.

marriage idioms
You’ve dated, started a relationship, fallen in love…What’s next? If you like it, you put a ring on it. You get married of course.

making up idioms
The course of true love never does run smooth. You are probably going to have some fights/arguments along the way. But, if it’s meant to be… you’ll reconcile. You will make up (another phrasal verb here) and everything will be hunky dory (until the next one!)

more love idioms
Here’s a few more for good measure. If you’ve enjoyed love and relationship idioms, you may enjoy family idioms too.

Have you got the idiom bug? Are you hungry for more? What are you waiting for, there are plenty more topics to choose from.