What does ‘turn’ mean?

The word ‘turn’ can mean many different things. As a verb, the meaning is to move in a circular direction or to change.​

For example:

  • The wheels began to turn. (circular direction)
  • The weather is about to turn, get your umbrellas ready. (change)


Turn is a regular verb. The past tense and past participle is turned.

idioms with turn list

Turn your English skills around with this list of idioms featuring ‘turn.’ Whether you’re talking about sudden changes, new opportunities, or unexpected twists, these expressions will help you sound more natural and fluent.


Did you know phrasal verbs are sometimes used in idioms? See if you can spot any. If you don’t know any phrasal verbs with ‘turn’, click here to learn them.

verb phrases - turn
Idioms with verbs - TURN - leave no stone unturned
verb phrase - take a turn for the worse
A lion in a circus cage has attacked and killed its trainer, symbolizing revenge. An orangutan watches from the corner, while hay bales fill the background. A speech bubble says, "After being locked up and abused for years, the worm has finally turned."
turn idiom - tide turns
Idioms with verbs - TURN - turn a blind eye meaning
verb phrase - turn back the clock
verb phrase - turn back the hands of time
verb phrase - turn back time
verb phrase - turn one’s nose up at something
verb phrase - turn one's back on
turn idiom - turn one's stomach
verb phrase - turn over a new leaf
verb phrase - turn someone on
turn idiom - turn the tables
verb phrase - turn up like a bad penny


Hey, did you know the verb ‘turn’ has many phrasal verbs. Since you like idioms and phrases, you obviously want to improve your fluency and speak like a native.

Am I right?


I thought you might like to learn the phrasal verbs with ‘turn’ too. They are very common in informal English and great to know/be able to understand if you happen to be speaking to a native. We use them all the time, like literally ALL the time.