There are quite a few phrasal verbs with get. The word ‘get‘ can mean many different things. As a verb, the meaning is to buy or receive.
For example:
- I got you an ice cream at the shop. (buy)
- I got top marks in the test. (receive)
Get is an irregular verb. The past tense is got and the past participle is got/gotten.
phrasal verbs with get
Let’s learn the meaning of the phrasal verbs that contain the verb ‘get’ in more detail and see some examples in use.

get across
meaning – communicate your point
example – I tried to get my point across, but no one understood.
get along/on with
meaning – have a good (or bad relationship) with someone
example – I don’t get along with my siblings.
get around
meaning – be mobile, sleep with lots of people
example – I couldn’t get around very well after the operation.
get at
meaning – annoy, imply
example – Stop getting at me, you`re getting on my nerves.
get away
meaning – escape or leave
example – I’d love to get away for the weekend, I need a break.
get back
meaning – return, receive something back
example – I hope I get my phone back from the repair shop soon.
get back at someone
meaning – seek revenge
example – I called my boss an idiot. She got back at me by giving me more work.
get back into
meaning – return to a hobby/interest
example – I’ve just got back into running; I feel so much fitter.
get back together
meaning – start a relationship with a previous partner
example – We’ll never ever get back together.
get by
meaning – manage/survive
example – We just got by with 2 litres of fuel.
get in
meaning – arrive or enter
example – What time did you get in last night?
get into
meaning – enter, start doing something enthusiastically
example – I can’t get into the cupboard; I don’t have the key.
get off
meaning – leave a plane, train, bus, or job
example – Let’s get off at the next stop.
get on
meaning – enter a bus, plane, or train
example – Drink your lemonade, you can’t get on the plane with liquids.
get on it
meaning – drink alcohol or take drugs and party
example – I can’t wait to get on it this weekend. Work has been crap this week.
get on with
meaning – continue doing something
example – I got on with my revision last night, I think I’m ready for the exam.
get out
meaning – exit a room
example – We got out of the meeting after an hour and a half.
get out of
meaning – avoid doing something
example – I have got out of every work social gathering this year.
get over
meaning – recover from illness or disappointment
example – It’s going to take Jim a long time to get over being jilted at the altar.
get rid of
meaning – remove
example – I kicked my husband out and got rid of all his belongings.
get round to
meaning – find the time to do something you intended to do
example – At some point this weekend, I’ll get round to tidying my room.
get something back
meaning – receive something you previously lent to another
example – I’ve got back all my DVDs, I’m never lending anything again.
get to
meaning – arrive
example – I got to the party at 9, but I left before midnight.
get together
meaning – an arranged meeting or become a couple
example – Mary and Daniel have finally got together, they make a lovely couple.
get up
meaning – get out of bed or rise to your feet
example – All of the children got up and stood in a circle.
get with
meaning – start a relationship with somebody.
example – I got with this great girl in Mallorca.
Did you know that many idiomatic expressions (idioms) in English also contain a lot of verbs? Just like phrasal verbs, idioms are a major part of the English language (slang in particular). They are used constantly amongst native English speakers and are handy to know and understand.
Now you’ve learnt all the phrasal verbs with get, how about learning the idioms with get too?