Using prepositions in sentences is very common, pretty much every sentence includes prepositions. If you aren’t sure what they are, head to my grammar section to find out.

prepositional phrases with UP list

Learn some prepositional phrases with the preposition ‘UP’

  • up and about  – out of bed and mobile after illness/surgery
  • up for grabs – available to win or buy
  • up in arms – be angry and strongly protest about something
  • up in the air – unresolved/uncertain/not decided
  • up one’s street – something you like or something that interests you a lot
  • up shit creek without a paddle – in a difficult situation with no solution
  • up the ante – increase the demands/risks
  • up the duff – pregnant
  • up the spout – pregnant
  • up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire – go upstairs to bed
  • up to one’s ears/eyes/eyeballs/neck – extremely busy
  • up to par – satisfactory, acceptable
  • up to speed – fully informed, up to date
  • up-and-coming – likely to become successful in the future

Take a look at the examples with pictures to gain a better understanding of the meaning.

preposition up
prepositional phrases - UP - up and about
prepositional phrases - UP - up and coming
prepositional phrases - UP - up in arms
prepositional phrases - UP - up in the air
prepositional phrases - UP - up ones street
prepositional phrases - UP - up shit creek without a paddle
prepositional phrases - UP - up the ante
prepositional phrases - UP - up the duff
prepositional phrases - UP - up the spout
prepositional phrases - UP - up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire
prepositional phrases - UP - up to one's eyes/ears/neck
prepositional phrases - UP - up to par
prepositional phrases - UP - up to speed