Using prepositions in sentences is very common, pretty much every sentence includes prepositions. If you aren’t sure what they are, head to my grammar section to find out.
prepositional phrases with UNDER list
Learn some prepositional phrases with the preposition ‘under’.

under a cloud
meaning – have a damaged reputation
example – She was forced to leave under a cloud.
under lock and key
meaning – safely locked away
example – My secret recipe is hidden under lock and key, I’ll take it to my grave.
under one’s belt
meaning – experienced/acquired/achieved/accomplished
example – I’ve got 25 years experience in medicine under my belt.
under one’s nose
meaning – directly in front of you
example – The thief stole the jumper from right under the security guard’s nose.
under the table
meaning – in secret as it’s usually illegal
example – I gave the interviewer some money under the table. Hopefully, I get the job.
under the thumb
meaning – under the complete control of another person
example – My boss is completely under my thumb. if I ask for a pay rise, I’ll get one.
under the weather
meaning – feel unwell
example – I felt under the weather yesterday, so I had an early night.