Let’s take a look at some of the most essential business idioms starting with E.
Don’t forget to click on the links at the bottom for the rest.
eager beaver
meaning – a keen/enthusiastic person
example – The new trainee is an eager beaver, she has volunteered for lots of projects already.
easy come, easy go
meaning – not bothered about losing something (especially money)
example – My girlfriend dumped me, easy come, easy go.
elbow grease
meaning – hard physical work
example – It looks like you put a lot of elbow grease into cleaning the kitchen.
elephant in the room
meaning – a controversial issue that is obvious but ignored
example – When are we going to talk about the elephant in the room? Our growing debt.
etched/set in stone
meaning – permanent/fixed/can’t be changed
example – The contract isn’t set in stone, we can still make some tweaks.
Did you enjoy learning essential business idioms starting with E? I thought so! Click the links below to learn some more.