What is a bird?

You all know what birds are right? If not, I’ll tell you…

A bird is a creature with wings and feathers that can fly (most of them). Some birds can swim, some are meat-eaters, and some eat fruit and seeds. They come in all shapes and sizes from the tiny hummingbird to the enormous ostrich.

FUN FACT: The word ‘bird’ can also be used as a slang term for a woman.​

bird idioms list

Click on the pictures below to learn some common idioms and expressions with different types of birds. Each idiom includes the meaning and a real-life picture example.

bird idioms

Here’s a list of idioms that contain the word ‘bird’.

bird idioms and expressions

a little bird told me

meaning – you hear something from someone
example – A little bird told me that Hayley wants a pony for Christmas.

bird idioms - a little bird told me

an early bird

meaning – a person who gets up early
example – We have to be early birds tomorrow. We’ve got to be at the train station for 6 am.

bird idioms - early bird

as free as a bird

meaning – you can do whatever you like, you have no ties
example – Sally is as free as a bird. She goes on holiday whenever she feels like it.

bird idioms and expressions - as free as a bird

bird’s eye view

meaning – see something from above
example – I’d love a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. The bird’s eye view would be amazing.

bird idioms and expressions - bird's eye view


meaning – a silly or stupid person
example – Don’t invite that bird-brained idiot Rodney. I want to make a good impression.

bird idioms and expressions - birdbrain

birds of a feather flock together

meaning – people are friends with like-minded people
example – My friend is out of jail, but he still hangs around with criminals.

bird idioms - birds of a feather flock together

the birds and the bees

meaning – sex education
example – My dad is talking to my little brother about the birds and the bees.

Teacher pointing to a blackboard with "sex education" written on it, representing the idiom "the birds and the bees."

different bird idioms and expressions

Here’s a list of idioms that contain different types of birds.

bird idioms

as dead as a dodo

meaning – dead and lifeless
example – My phone is as dead as a dodo, I took loads of videos of the concert.

dodo idioms - as dead as a dodo

as the crow flies

meaning – a straight direct route
example – We live 4 miles from the airport as the crow flies.

crow idioms - as the crow flies

culture vulture

meaning – someone who is interested in art, music, theatre etc.
example – Rupert is a culture vulture. He’ll probably go to the theatre with you.

vulture idioms - culture vulture


meaning – a very observant person
example – The mother kept an eagle-eye on her son to make sure he didn’t try to escape.

eagle idioms - eagle-eyed

go cold turkey

meaning – completely stop taking a substance
example – I’ve quit smoking. It was easy, I just went cold turkey.

turkey idioms - go cold turkey

live in cloud cuckoo land

meaning – a fantasy land
example – You’re living in cloud cuckoo land if you think your wife will take you back.

cuckoo idioms - live in cloud cuckoo land

night owl

meaning – someone who stays up late and/or prefers to work at night
example – I’ll start revising tonight, I’m a night owl.

owl idioms - night owl

one swallow doesn’t make a summer

meaning – one good result doesn’t mean a good overall situation
example – Sales were up 5% on last month, but one swallow doesn’t make a summer.

swallow idioms - one swallow doesn’t make a summer

put the cat among the pigeons

meaning – do something that will cause trouble/a disturbance
example – I won’t tell Sarah I saw Tim with another woman, I don’t want to put the cat among the pigeons.

pidgeon idioms - put the cat among the pigeons

watch like a hawk

meaning – watch very closely
example – Money has been going missing from our charity box. I’m watching everyone like a hawk.

hawk idioms - watch like a hawk

chicken idioms

Here’s a list of idioms about chickens.

chicken idioms and expressions

chicken out

meaning – decide not to do something because you are afraid
example – The boy chickened out of throwing a pen at the teacher.

chicken idioms and expressions - chicken out

spring chicken

meaning – a young person
example – Helen is still a spring chicken; she has plenty of time to have kids.

chicken idioms and expressions - spring chicken

duck idioms

Here’s a list of idioms about ducks.

duck idioms and phrases

lame duck

meaning – useless, ineffective
example – All my boyfriends turn out to be lame ducks.

duck idioms - lame duck

lovely weather for ducks

meaning – wet/rainy weather
example – It’s lovely weather for ducks but sadly not for the beach.

duck sayings - lovely weather for ducks

sitting duck

meaning – an easy target
example – The soldiers ran out of bullets, they were sitting ducks for the enemy.

duck phrases - sitting duck

take to something like a duck to water

meaning – have a natural ability
example – Hayley has taken to motherhood like a duck to water. She is a natural.

duck phrases - take to something like a duck to water

water off a duck’s back

meaning – insults, criticism etc. have no effect on a person
example – All the criticism is like water off a duck’s back to Henry. He just tries even harder.

duck idioms - water off a duck’s back

goose idioms

Here’s a list of idioms about geese.

goose idioms and sayings


meaning – bumps on the skin due to fear, excitement, or the cold
example – Take the kids in and give them a hot chocolate. They’ve got goosebumps.

goose idioms and sayings - goosebumps

wild goose chase

meaning – search for something that often doesn’t exist
example – Let’s send the apprentice on a wild goose chase for a left-handed screwdriver.

goose idioms and sayings - wild goose chase

wouldn’t say boo to a goose

meaning – a shy person
example – I can’t believe he is a drug dealer! He wouldn’t say boo to a goose when he was younger.

goose idioms and sayings - wouldn’t say boo to a goose

swan idioms

Here’s a list of idioms about swans.

swan idioms and sayings

swan around

meaning – walk around thinking you’re the best I wish someone would punch Cara.
example – She’s always swanning around like she’s the queen.

swan idioms and sayings - swan around

swan in

meaning – arrive without a care in the world
example – He finally swanned in around midnight stinking of booze. I didn’t even get an apology.

swan idioms and sayings - swan in

swan off

meaning – leave/escape your duties
example – I’d love to have Kirsty’s lifestyle. She just swans off on holiday whenever she feels like it.

swan idioms and sayings - swan off


meaning – the final act/performance/activity of a person’s career
example – We need to get tickets to the tour, it’s their swansong.

swan idioms and sayings - swansong

You can download a table of bird idioms and expressions below.

If you’ve enjoyed this page, don’t forget to check out some more animal idioms by clicking on the links below.