Some adjectives require a preposition after them. The function of the preposition is to make the sentence work and make sense. If you don’t know what a preposition is, follow the link to find out as they are a very important (and slightly confusing) part of the English language.

If you’re a little confuzzled by this, let me give you an example. Let’s take the adjective ‘good’. This adjective needs to be followed by the preposition ‘at’ for the sentence to be correct.

e.g. Ronaldo is good at playing football.

Without ‘at’, the sentence isn’t quite correct. The good news is that it’s not a major issue and the reader will still be able to understand your point. However, if you want to become an English speaking Jedi, you’ll want to correct these things.

Unfortunately for you, there are no rules as to which adjectives need prepositions.

Luckily for you, I have made a table of adjectives plus the preposition required to make the sentence make sense. I’ve even thrown in an example in use. Not only that… the example is a question, you can answer the question in your classroom, with a friend or just in the mirror and repeat the adjective with the preposition in the answer.

Adjectives with prepositions list

Take a look at this list showing all the adjectives that are followed by a preposition. Try making up your own examples too.

adjective with preposition list
adjective with preposition list
adjective with preposition list
adjective with preposition list

You can download the table below and study it in your own time.