Test yourself with these verb tenses worksheets and exercises. Tense structures are a very important part of English grammar. They help you to correctly construct basic through to very difficult sentences.


Let’s begin, the answers are at the bottom of the pictures if you get stuck. If you are having trouble answering these questions, take a look at my tense structure page for some help.

HOT TIP – You need to know the present, past and participle for verbs. Head to my irregular verbs page if you get stuck. It is also beneficial if you are up to speed with sentence structure too.

Good luck

verb tenses worksheets – simple tense structure

First, we’ll start with the simple tenses which are points in time. These are the easiest of the tense structures to learn.

simple tense structure exercises
simple tense structure exercises

simple tense exercises

verb tenses worksheets – continuous tense structure

Next up we have the continuous tense which is a period of time. They are easy to spot as the verbs end in ‘ing’.

continuous tense structure exercises
continuous tense structure exercises

perfect tense structure exercises

Now we’re on to the perfect tense structure. Things start to get a bit more difficult now. I hope you know the participle column for irregular verbs as you’re going to need it!

perfect tense structure exercises
perfect tense structure exercises

perfect continuous tense structure exercises

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations. We’re onto the really tough stuff now. I’ll give you a few pointers on the present perfect continuous (the clue is in the name). Perfect = third column for irregular verbs for the first part of the structure. Continuous = main verb + ing.

perfect continuous tense structure exercises
perfect continuous tense structure exercises