The word ‘send‘ can mean many different things. As a verb, the meaning is to post something to a different location or cause to be in a specified state.
For example:
- I’ve sent a parcel to my mum. (post to a different location)
- His aftershave sends the girls wild. (a specified state)
Send is an irregular verb. The past tense is sent and the past participle is sent.
phrasal verbs with send
Phrasal verbs with ‘send’ include:
- send away
meaning – make someone leave
example – I went to the doctors, but she sent me away and told me I was overreacting. - send back
meaning – return something
example – I bought some new boots, but I sent them back. I couldn’t really afford £50. - send for
meaning – ask for someone to come and help or request something
example – I’ve sent for the new catalogue, but it hasn’t arrived yet. - send in
meaning – enter information, arrange for people to deal with a problem
example – I sent in my recipe to a TV show, and they made it live. - send off
meaning – remove a player from a game or post something
example – I’ve sent off 8 application forms today. Hopefully I get a job soon. - send on
meaning – forward
example – I`ll look through the document then send it on to the boss when I’m done. - send out
meaning – order out of a room or send to lots of people
example – I sent out the memo this morning. Did you not receive it?
picture examples

Let’s learn the meaning of the phrasal verbs that contain the verb ‘send’ in more detail and see some examples in use.