Here are some idioms about celestial bodies for you to check out.
sun idioms
Let’s kick things off with idioms about our glorious sun. The sun is that great big yellow hot ball in the sky that rises in the morning and sets at night.
We call it ‘the sun’ (using the definite article) as it is unique, there is only one sun.
Did you know the word ‘sun’ is pronounced in exactly the same way as the word ‘son’ (your male child). They are spelt differently, have a different meaning but pronounced the same, they are what we call homophones.

Here are some sun idioms:
brighten up one’s day
meaning – something/someone makes a situation is more enjoyable/pleasant
example – My grandson popped over with a bunch of flowers, it brightened up my day.
make hay while the sun shines
meaning – make the most of an opportunity while you have the chance
example – I’ll make hay while the sun shines and listen to all my favourite cheesy songs. My husband won’t be back until the evening.
ray of sunshine
meaning – someone/something that makes a person or place happier
example – Lucy’s new puppy is a ray of sunshine.
rise and shine
meaning – wake up, get out of bed, and start your day
example – I like to rise and shine early.
soak up some sun
meaning – spend time in the sun to get darker skin
example – This time next week I’ll be soaking up the sun by the pool with a cocktail in hand.
stick something where the sun don’t shine
meaning – shove something up your bum, refuse something
example – Tell Rory to stick his offer where the sun don’t shine.
sun shines out of someone’s backside
meaning – love/admire someone so much you don’t see their faults
example – The sun doesn’t shine out of his backside, he’s a liar and a cheat.
take a shine to
meaning – like a lot
example – I really took a shine to the cat we found, but then it`s owner came forward.
Now see if you can answer these questions. You can even leave your answers in the comments box at the end of the page if you like.
- Who was the last person you told to stick something where the sun doesn’t shine?
- When was the last time you soaked up some sun?
- When was the last time someone brightened up your day?
- What time do you rise and shine?
- Have you taken a shine to anyone recently?
moon expressions
The moon is a natural satellite that orbits the Earth. It is mainly visible at night and changes shape during the month. It shines by reflecting light from the sun.
Here is a list of moon idioms:

honeymoon period
meaning – a short period of time after starting something new where everything is great
example – We’ve only been married for 6 months but the honeymoon period is well and truly over.
many moons ago
meaning – a long time ago
example – We used to date many moons ago.
once in a blue moon
meaning – very rarely
example – I only see my sister once in a blue moon, we aren’t that close.
over the moon
meaning – thrilled, delighted, extremely happy
example – My mum was over the moon when I told her she was going to be a granny.
reach for the moon/stars
meaning – have very high ambitions/goals
example – I teach my class to reach for the stars and aim high.
Now see if you can answer these questions:
If you won a new car, would you be over the moon?
Do you reach for the moon with your career?
Tell me something you did many moons ago?
Do you often eat at a restaurant or only once in a blue moon?
star idioms
Stars are those twinkly luminous bodies that we see alongside the moon in the night sky. A picture of a star is typically drawn with 5 points.
Did you know that ‘star’ can also be used as an adjective to describe people? A star can be:
- A famous person e.g. I want to be a Hollywood star.
- Someone who has done something helpful for another person e.g. Martin was an absolute star, he came out in the pouring rain to help me change my tyre
- A brave person e.g. Mindy was a star, she didn’t cry once during her jabs.
Here are some star idioms:

reach for the moon/stars
meaning – have very high ambitions/goals
example – I teach my class to reach for the stars and aim high.
written in the stars
meaning – destined to be
example – I always knew I’d be an actress, it was written in the stars.
written in the stars
meaning – destined to be
example – I always knew I’d be an actress, it was written in the stars.
Was your career written in the stars?
Has anyone in your family got star quality?
Should children be taught to reach for the stars?
planet idioms
The planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune and they all orbit the sun. Earth is the only planet with life inhabiting it, or is it?
Fun fact – the best way of remembering the order of the planets is to make up an acronym. Here’s mine
My Very Energetic Monkey Just Shouted Ugly
Here are some planet idioms:

on another planet
meaning – act strangely, be unaware of your surroundings, crazy
example – Can I borrow your history notes? I was on another planet and didn’t write any down.
men are from mars, women are from Venus
meaning – men and women are different
example – I swear women are from Venus, I just can’t figure her out!
Do you agree with the phrase ’men are from Mars; women are from Venus’?
Do you know anyone who is on another planet?
Earth sayings
Our beautiful Earth is a planet home to billions of people, plants, and animals. It’s comprised of land and sea with many different terrains including mountains and deserts.
There is actually a particularly good BBC show called Planet Earth. The narrator speaks very slowly so it’s good for practicing your English listening skills.
Here are some Earth idioms:

all the time in the world
meaning – lots of time to do something
example – Do your homework. You haven’t got all the time in the world, we’re going out at 7.
carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders
meaning – behave as though you have lots of worries/problems
example – I feel like I am carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.
charge the earth
meaning – cost a lot of money
example – Don’t buy coffee at the bus station café, they charge the earth and it’s disgusting.
dead to the world
meaning – fast asleep
example – I had three pints of strong ale and was dead to the world.
do someone the world of good
meaning – benefit someone greatly
example – A spinach and kale smoothie always does me the world of good.
dog-eat-dog world
meaning – ruthless unethical behaviour used to become successful in the working world
example – Being a banker is a dog-eat-dog world. I’m thinking of quitting for the simple life.
down to earth
meaning – realistic, unpretentious, humble
example – Did you know Harry is a millionaire? He’s so down to earth.
four corners of the earth
meaning – from all parts of the earth
example – People come from the four corners of the earth to see the Grand Canyon.
hand that rocks the cradle (rules the world)
meaning – mothers have power as they influence their children’s personalities and behaviour
example – We offer free counselling sessions to all new mums, the hand that rocks the cradle…
man/woman of the world
meaning – a sophisticated/wise person with lots of life experience
example – Kira is a woman of the world, she doesn’t need your help.
move heaven and earth
meaning – work very hard to achieve something
example – Lawrence is a good chap. He’ll move heaven and earth to finish the project on time.
on top of the world
meaning – feel great/happy
example – We’ve just bought the house of our dreams, we’re on top of the world.
salt of the earth
meaning – a good honest person
example – I’m sorry for your loss, your father was the salt of the earth.
watch the world go by
meaning – enjoy watching people pass by
example – I’m going to sit in a coffee shop and watch the world go by.
Do you often feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Do companies charge the earth for petrol in your country?
What activity does you the world of good?
Do you consider yourself down to earth?
When was the last time you felt on top of the world and why?
Do you enjoy sitting and watching the world go by?
phrases with ray
A ray is to do with the sun. It’s when the beams of light from the sun shine through an opening in the clouds.
Here are some ray idioms:

catch some rays
meaning – spend time in the sun to get darker skin
example – How was your holiday? It looks like you caught some rays.
ray of hope
meaning – a small sign that something may improve/succeed
example – Archie’s bank account was used yesterday, there is a ray of hope he’s still alive.
ray of sunshine
meaning – someone/something that makes a person or place happier
example – Lucy’s new puppy is a ray of sunshine.
Do you know anyone who is a ray of sunshine?
Do you enjoy going to the beach and catching some rays?
Do you see the COVID vaccine as a ray of hope?
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