Here are some nature sayings about the elements – Earth, wind, fire and water
earth idioms
Our beautiful Earth is a planet home to billions of people, plants, and animals. It’s comprised of land and sea with many different terrains including mountains and deserts.
There is actually a particularly good BBC show called Planet Earth. The narrator speaks very slowly so it’s good for practicing your English listening skills.
Planet Earth is also referred to as ‘the world’. e.g.
- Paul is the best snooker player ON Earth.
- Paul is the best snooker player IN the world.
Did you notice which prepositions we use for world and Earth? Don’t ask me why they are different, it’s just one of the quirks of English!

wind idioms
Breeze is to do with the wind, it means a light gentle wind.
Fun fact – breeze can also mean ‘easy’ e.g. The exam was a breeze, I got 100%.

The wind is the movement of the air outside.

fire expressions
Fire is a combustion between substances and oxygen. It gives out light and heat.
Fun fact – Fire is also a verb, it means to dismiss someone from their job.

Smoke is they grey/black cloud of carbon and other particles that is produced when you burn something. To smoke is also a verb associated with cigarettes and tobacco (it’s regular).
Fun fact: The word smoke can be combined with the word fog (thick clouds of water particles near the Earth’s surface) to make a new word ‘smog’. This type of word is called a blend word.

water expressions
Water is the clear liquid that all living organisms drink to stay alive. It also comprises seas, lakes, rivers, and rains down on us. Not all water is safe to drink, some is too dirty, and some is too salty.
Water is also a verb; it means to give water to a living organism e.g. Can you water my plants whilst I’m away?
Fun fact – water rhymes with daughter. Isn’t the English language strange!