Do you want to learn some idioms and expressions about fruit and veg? Then look no further. I’ve also included other foods that grow on trees and plants such as nuts and beans.
apple idioms

a bad apple
meaning – a dishonest person/ a troublemaker
example – Now the bad apples have been removed, lessons are much easier.
a rotten apple
meaning – a dishonest/corrupt person
example – They have finally got rid of that rotten apple they called the president.
apple of one’s eye
meaning – a person who is cherished above everyone else
example – Laura is the apple of Steve’s eye. I think he’s going to propose soon.
the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
meaning – children have similar qualities/behaviour to their parents
example – My son has been sent to prison just like me. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
the Big Apple
meaning – New York
example – I’ve always wanted to live in the Big Apple.
upset the apple cart
meaning – spoil someone’s plans/disturb the peace
example – I won’t tell them about the redundancies. I don’t want to upset the apple cart just yet.
bean idioms

full of beans
meaning – have lots of energy, be in high spirits
example – Ranger’s fans are full of beans after their 4-0 triumph over County.
spill the beans
meaning – reveal the secret
example – We were meant to be keeping it a secret, but John spilt the beans.
chips idioms

as cheap as chips
meaning – inexpensive, very cheap, good value
example – Go to the uniform warehouse. You can get school clothes as cheap as chips.
burn to a crisp
meaning – burn very badly
example – I forgot I was cooking a pizza. It’s burnt to a crisp.
cash in one’s chips
meaning – quit or exchange your winnings for money
example – The business isn’t making money, we should cash in our chips in and move on.
fruit idioms

another bite of the cherry
meaning – another chance/opportunity to do something
example – You don’t often get another bite of the cherry. Don’t mess up this time.
as brown as a berry
meaning – very suntanned
example – I’m off to Greece for 3 weeks. I’ll be as brown as a berry by the end.
meaning – select the best/most desirable
example – Real Madrid have cherry-picked their squad for the final.
easy peasy (lemon squeezy)
meaning – very easy
example – Follow this recipe, it’s easy peasy and she will be really impressed.
forbidden fruit
meaning – something you desire but you aren’t allowed to have
example – My mum was given some luxury chocolates. I took the forbidden fruit.
go bananas
meaning – become crazy
example – The dogs will go bananas when Rick comes home. They haven’t seen him for 3 months.
go pear shaped
meaning – go wrong, fail
example – I should have been going to Italy tomorrow, but it’s all gone pear shaped.
hear through the grapevine
meaning – hear unofficial rumours/gossip
example – I heard through the grapevine that three people were fired yesterday.
play gooseberry
meaning – the unwanted third person in the company of lovers
example – It’s couples only. Don’t invite Ricky, he’ll only play gooseberry all night.
olive branch
meaning – a symbol of peace meaning you want to end a feud
example – He’s offering an olive branch, it’s time you met him halfway and made up.
sour grapes
meaning – be angry or put someone/something down because you can’t have it
example – I didn’t want the jacket anyway. It’s not sour grapes, navy blue isn’t really my colour.
nut idioms

as nutty as a fruitcake
meaning – crazy, completely mad
example – Sasha is as nutty as a fruitcake. That’s why we get along so well.
cost/for/get paid peanuts
meaning – very cheap/hardly any money
example – I quit my job. I got paid peanuts for doing 13-hour shifts.
go nuts
meaning – become crazy/angry
example – My aunt went nuts so the men in white coats took her away.
hard nut to crack
meaning – a person/situation that is difficult to figure out
example – Louis was a hard nut to crack, but we became good friends in the end.
if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
meaning – if you pay low wages, the workers will be bad
example – My boss is always shouting about product standards. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
in a nutshell
meaning – in a few words, brief
example – Tell me the story in a nutshell, I have to go out.
that old chestnut
meaning – something that has been repeated so many times it has become boring
example – Lula said, ‘it’s not you it’s me.’ Oh, that old chestnut I thought to myself.
vegetable idioms

as cool as a cucumber
meaning – chilled, relaxed
example – How can Roger be as cool as a cucumber when his life is falling apart?
as red as a beetroot
meaning – really red in the face usually caused by embarrassment
example – I go as red as a beetroot when I have to talk in front of a group of people.
carrot and stick
meaning – a persuasion technique which uses reward and punishment
example – The carrot and stick method works for my kids. If they’re good, they get pocket money. If they’re bad, I confiscate their tablets.
carrot top
meaning – a person with red hair
example – I love being a carrot top, I feel unique and special.
couch potato
meaning – a lazy person who doesn’t exercise and sits on the sofa
example – I used to be a couch potato. Now I have two rescue dogs, I’m always out.
hot potato
meaning – a controversial/sensitive topic that has consequences
example – Gun laws are a political hot potato.
in a pickle
meaning – in a difficult situation
example – Dwayne is in a bit of a pickle, he has three dates for the prom.
two peas in a pod
meaning – two people are very similar
example – I can’t believe Joe and Sandy have fallen out; they were like two peas in a pod.
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