Leg Idioms: A Complete Guide

What is a leg?

A leg is one of the two lower limbs that help us to walk. The plural is ‘legs’.

leg idioms list

Here’s a list of leg-related idioms that add some fun and flair to everyday conversations.

idiomatic expressions with body parts - leg

break a leg

meaning – good luck
example – You’re well prepared for the interview. I’m sure you will get the job, break a leg.

leg idioms in English - break a leg meaning

cost an arm and a leg

meaning – be very expensive
example – We won’t be going to that Italian again. It costs an arm and a leg, and the menu is basic.

cost an arm and a leg meaning

give someone a leg

meaning – up help someone achieve something
example – My parents gave me a leg up so I could buy my first house.

common leg idioms - give someone a leg up meaning

haven’t got a leg to stand on

meaning – have no proof/evidence to justify your actions
example – The key witness has arrived, the suspect doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

leg idioms list - haven't got a leg to stand on


meaning – long boring tasks that have to be done as part of a job
example – Mia has done all the legwork. She’s gathered 2000 reports and put them on a spreadsheet.

leg idioms in English - legwork meaning

on one’s last legs

meaning – very weak/ about to die
example – My washing machine is on its last legs, I need a new one.

leg idioms and expressions -on one’s last legs

pull someone’s leg

meaning – playfully joke/tease someone
example – You’re pregnant? Please tell me you’re pulling my leg.

leg idioms and expressions - pull someone's leg meaning

sea legs

meaning – keep your balance and not feel sick on a moving ship
example – I can’t go on a cruise; I haven’t got sea legs.

common leg idioms - sea legs

talk the hind leg off a donkey

meaning – someone who talks a lot/for a long time
example – I hate Andrew’s meetings, they last hours. That man could talk the hind leg off a donkey.

Cartoon classroom scene with a teacher teaching a class 'Pythagoras theorem'. One bored student says 'Mr. Green could talk the hind leg off a donkey.' Meaning he talks a lot and/or for a long time.

You can download a table of ‘leg’ idioms and expressions below.

If you’ve enjoyed this page, don’t forget to check out some more body idioms by clicking on the links below.