Idioms bring colour and character to language, offering unique ways to express ideas and emotions. On this page, we’re diving into the fascinating world of cat idioms – phrases inspired by our feline friends. From “let the cat out of the bag” to “curiosity killed the cat,” these expressions are packed with personality, rich origins, and practical examples. Whether you’re looking to enhance your English skills or simply love quirky language, this guide has you covered!
What is a cat?
You all know what a cat is right? If not, I’ll tell you…
A cat is a fluffy domesticated feline that is usually kept as a pet. A baby cat is called a ‘kitten’, a male cat is called a ‘tom’ and a slang term for a cat is ‘kitty’.
Larger cats include lions, tigers and leopards. These larger cats are found in the wild.
cat idioms and expressions list
Here’s a list of idioms about cats with some picture examples.

cat got one’s tongue
meaning – a comment you make to someone when they are quiet
example – I think the cat has got Harry’s tongue; he hasn’t said a word all morning.
cat nap
meaning – a short sleep
example – When we arrive, we should have a cat nap then go exploring.
cat’s whiskers
meaning – someone/something that is excellent/superior
example – Leanne thinks she’s the cat’s whiskers. She’s just an idiot.
meaning – a person who copies another person
example – There have been lots of copycat crimes recently.
curiosity killed the cat
meaning – being inquisitive can be dangerous
example – Don’t ask where I got the money from. Curiosity killed the cat.
fat cat
meaning – a rich and powerful person who earns more than they deserve
example – A couple of fat cats want to invest in my business, they believe in my products.
fight like cat and dog
meaning – argue and fight continuously
example – Me and my brother fought like cat and dog when we were kids.
grin like a Cheshire cat
meaning – have a very big smile on your face
example – Luke asked me to marry him. I’ve been grinning like a Cheshire cat all week.
meaning – a pool of money contributions for shared use by everyone
example – Let’s start a kitty for the house. We can use it for cleaning products and toilet roll.
let the cat out (of) the bag
meaning – reveal the secret
example – We’re throwing a surprise party for my parents, don’t let the cat out of the bag.
like a cat on a hot tin roof
meaning – be anxious, agitated, nervous
example – The kids are like cats on a hot tin roof. It’s exam results day.
like the cat that got the cream
meaning – be very pleased with yourself
example – Seb is like the cat that got the cream now he is dating Sophie.
look what the cat dragged in
meaning – imply someone who has just arrived looks bad or you don’t like them
example – Look what the cat dragged in. Do you remember her? It’s that witch who lives on Southmead.
more than one way to skin a cat
meaning – there are many ways to accomplish a goal
example – I didn’t get tickets to the concert, but there is more than one way to skin a cat.
no room to swing a cat
meaning – a very small, cramped space
example – They gave me a new office. It’s nice but there is no room to swing a cat.
not a cat in hell’s chance
meaning – no chance at all
example – There is not a cat in hell’s chance Tina will take Larry back after he cheated on her.
play cat and mouse
meaning – tease/pursue before turning violent
example – I’ve been playing cat and mouse with this hot guy, but I think he has got bored of my games.
put the cat among the pigeons
meaning – do something that will cause trouble/a disturbance
example – I won’t tell Sarah I saw Tim with another woman, I don’t want to put the cat among the pigeons.
rain cats and dogs
meaning – raining heavily
example – It rained cats and dogs all week, I couldn’t hang out my washing.
scaredy cat
meaning – a wimpy person who is easily frightened
example – Lilly is such a scaredy cat. She won’t come to the cemetery with us tonight for a séance.
lion idioms
Here’s a list of idioms about lions.

the lion’s share
meaning – the majority
example – Jay gave the lion’s share of his lottery win to charity.
You can download a table of cat idioms and expressions below.
If you’ve enjoyed this page, don’t forget to check out some more animal idioms by clicking on the links below.