An object pronoun tells you who/what receives the action of the speaker. This can be the direct object or indirect object. If you don’t know what a direct or indirect object is, I’ll tell you quickly:

A direct object tells us who or what receives the action of the verb.

The indirect object is the recipient of the direct object (to whom or for whom).


direct and indirect object definition

A basic sentence structure is subject + verb + object.

  • The subject is the person/thing that performs the action (performs the verb).
  • The verb is the action that is being performed (the movement).
  • The object is the person/thing that receives the action.

So, as you can probably guess…the object pronoun replaces the direct or indirect object of a sentence.

Let’s replace the direct and indirect objects with an object pronoun.

object pronouns - direct and indirect objects

It sounds better and it’s easier to read, isn’t it? Object pronouns are only used when we already know what the object is. You have to state the object first, then you can continue with pronouns. Look at the example below.

object pronoun example

list of object pronouns

Shall we take a look at all the object pronouns we use in English? Check out the video for examples of obbject pronouns in use.​​

list of object pronouns

examples of object pronouns with pictures

Now, let’s see them in action.

examples of object pronouns with pictures
examples of object pronouns with pictures
examples of object pronouns with pictures
examples of object pronouns with pictures
examples of object pronouns with pictures
examples of object pronouns with pictures
examples of object pronouns with pictures
examples of object pronouns with pictures

object pronoun quiz

Show me what you’ve learnt with this little quiz​.

object pronouns exercises
object pronouns quiz
object pronouns quiz
object pronouns quiz
answers 1. d)   2. a)   3. d)   4. b)   5. a)   6. d)   7. c)    8. c)