Using prepositions in sentences is very common, pretty much every sentence includes prepositions. If you aren’t sure what they are, head to my grammar section to find out.
prepositional phrases with IN list
Learn some prepositional phrases with the preposition ‘in’.

in a class of one’s own
meaning – much better than someone/something similar, nothing else compares
example – My quadruple chocolate fudge cake is in a class of its own.
in a different league – much better at doing something
in a nutshell – in a few words, brief
in a pickle – in a difficult situation
in a strop – when a person in in a bad mood
in a tick – soon, in a moment
in a time warp – old-fashioned
in an instant – something happens very quickly
in bad shape – unhealthy, bad condition
in broad daylight – surprise that something is happening during daylight hours
in cold blood – deliberately, ruthlessly, without emotion
in deep water – in difficulty/trouble
in due course – something will happen when the time is right
in for a penny, in for a pound – finish something you have started even if it may be difficult
in for the high jump – likely to be punished
in full swing – operating fully, the level of activity is at its highest
in good shape – fit and healthy
in hot water – in a lot of trouble
in it for the long haul – continue with something until the end/for a long time
in no time – very soon
in one – one single attempt
in one fell swoop – using a single action
in one piece – not hurt or damaged
in one’s blood – a skill/characteristic you have inherited from your family
in one’s head – you have imagined something
in one’s own time – do something at the speed you choose
in over one’s head – involved in a situation that has become too difficult, risky
in remission – an illness being controlled/decreasing (especially cancer)
in season – the period when fresh food is in abundance
in sickness and in health – a marriage vow
in someone’s corner – give someone your full support
in someone’s pocket – under someone’s control/influence
in stock – goods are available
in the bag – something is secure or certain
in the black – have money, not be in debt
in the blink of an eye – very quickly
in the buff – naked
in the club – pregnant
in the cold light of day – think about emotional matters when you are calmer
in the dog house – someone is angry/annoyed with you
in the driver’s seat – be in control
in the family – way pregnant
in the flesh – meet someone face to face
in the hot seat – being faced with criticism/questioning/punishment/scrutiny
in the land of the living – alive/awake
in the long run – over a long period of time
in the money – suddenly have lots of money
in the nick of time – at the last possible moment before disaster
in the pipeline – being planned, about to start
in the red – in debt
in the running – a contender in a competition
in the same boat – in the same situation as another person
in the same league – on the same level of skill (or not)
in two minds – undecided
in two shakes of a lamb’s tail – in a very short time