phrases with adjectives – long

The word ‘long’ as an adjective can mean a great distance or time.

For example:

  • It’s a long way to Tipperary (great distance)
  • The meeting was long, I nearly fell asleep (time)

Let’s take a look at some common idioms containing the word ‘long’.

idioms and phrases with adjectives - long
idiom adjectives (long) - as honest as the day is long
idiom adjectives (long) - go back a long way
idiom adjectives (long) - in it for the long haul
idiom adjectives (long) - in the long run
idiom adjectives (long) - long in the tooth
idiom adjectives (long) - long shot
idiom adjectives (long) - long time no see
idiom adjectives (long) - long-winded
idiom adjectives (long) - not by a long shot
idiom adjectives (long) - the long arm of the law