Are you a couch potato?
Do you have beef with anyone at the moment?
Has anyone ever given you a knuckle sandwich?
Would you like to live a champagne lifestyle?
What invention do you think is the best thing since sliced bread?
When was the last time you were in a pickle?
Do you know any bad eggs?
Not sure what I’m talking about? Then these pages are for you. I’ve illustrated lots of idioms about food and drink with real-life examples.
what is food?
Food is the nutritious substances we bite, chew and swallow to keep us alive. Let’s start with some idioms that contain the word ‘food’.

What is cooking?
Some foods need to be cooked/baked before being eaten. This process involves cutting, combining, and heating the food to make it safe to eat.

What does eat mean?
Once the food is prepared, it’s then ready to taste and eat. Eating is putting the food in your mouth to chew and swallow. Eat is an irregular verb.

Do you want to learn some more idioms about different food? Click on the links below, there are lots more for you to learn.