Have you ever been caught red handed doing something illegal?
When was the last time you told a white lie?
What makes you go as red as a beetroot?
Have you ever given anyone a black eye?
When did you last feel off colour?
Are you unsure what these idioms mean? Then scroll down and learn a phrase or two.
Everything looks so much better in colour, do you agree? Even the English language is better with some colour. That’s why I’ve scraped together my favourite idioms and expressions with colours.
Before we begin, you may have seen the word ‘colour’ spelt as ‘color’. This is completely correct, British English spells it with a ‘u’ and American English without. Click here to find out more differences.
black idioms

black and blue
meaning – beaten and bruised
example – We spent a week hiking around Nepal. It was great, but we were black and blue after.
black and white
meaning – something is clear, straightforward
example – The rules are black and white. If you cheat, you will be removed from the school.
black cloud hanging over one
meaning – having a streak of bad luck, depressed
example – Invite Millie, she needs cheering up. She’s got a black cloud hanging over her head.
black eye
meaning – a bruise around your eye
example – Terry has a black eye; he won’t tell me how he got it.
black market
meaning – buying and selling illegal goods
example – A girl in my uni sold her kidney on the black market to pay for her course.
black out
meaning – faint, pass out, become unconscious
example – I drank way too much last night. I blacked out and woke up in hospital.
black tie event
meaning – a formal event where you have to dress smartly
example – I need to hire a tuxedo; I’ve got a black-tie award’s ceremony next week.
meaning – a list of bad, naughty, untrustworthy etc. people
example – I’m on the council’s blacklist, they won’t give me another flat.
blackmail someone
meaning – force someone to do something
example – My ex is blackmailing me. I have to give him £1000, or he’ll post my private pictures online.
in the black
meaning – have money, not be in debt
example – This time next year I will have paid off all my debts and be in the black
pitch black
meaning – somewhere that is very dark
example – The teacher locked Damon in a pitch-black cupboard for over an hour.
pot calling the kettle black
meaning – a person criticizes someone for doing something they also do
example – Pot calling the kettle black Lisa. You can’t tell me to stop smoking, you smoke.
the black sheep of the family
meaning – the naughty/odd/different one
example – All my family are doctors, but my brother is unemployed. He’s the black sheep.
blue idioms

black and blue
meaning – beaten and bruised
example – We spent a week hiking around Nepal. It was great, but we were black and blue after.
meaning – a job which involves manual labour
example – I need a blue-collar job; I like being active.
blue-eyed boy
meaning – a young man who is favoured and treated well by others
example – Damian will get the promotion, he’s the manager’s blue-eyed boy.
bolt from the blue
meaning – something totally unexpected/surprising
example – Tish has resigned, that’s a bolt from the blue. I thought she loved it here.
boys in blue
meaning – a slang term for the police
example – The party got a little out of hand. The boys in blue arrived and arrested 3 people.
feel blue
meaning – feel sad, depressed
example – Fred has been feeling blue lately. Do you know what’s wrong with him?
once in a blue moon
meaning – very rarely
example – I only see my sister once in a blue moon, we aren’t that close.
out of the blue
meaning – unexpectedly, from nowhere
example – My ex texted me out of the blue and asked to get back together.
scream blue murder
meaning – shout and scream very loudly
example – A lady in the shop screamed blue murder when they wouldn’t give her a refund.
sing the blues
meaning – complain/whine to get sympathy from others
example – Corey is singing the blues because his electricity has been cut off for a few hours.
until one’s blue in the face
meaning – angry, irritated, frustrated, exhausted
example – I complained to the council until I was blue in the face, but they still didn’t sort the problem.
brown idioms

as brown as a berry
meaning – very suntanned
example – I’m off to Greece for 3 weeks. I’ll be as brown as a berry by the end.
brown off
meaning – keep food uncovered in the oven so it gets brown and crispy
example – I’ll leave the pie in for 5 more minutes, I want the top to brown off a bit.
gold idioms

as good as gold
meaning – well behaved/obedient
example – The twins were as good as gold, so I let them stay up for an extra half an hour.
golden boy/girl
meaning – a popular, skilful, successful person
example – Henry will get to go to America with the firm. He is the golden boy.
golden handshake
meaning – a large sum of money given to someone retiring/being made redundant
example – My dad got a very generous golden handshake. He is going to buy a house in Spain.
golden opportunity
meaning – a perfect chance, an ideal moment
example – House prices are really low. It’s a golden opportunity to get on the property ladder.
heart of gold
meaning – a kind/generous person with a big heart
example – She may look like a witch, but she’s got a heart of gold.
worth one’s weight in gold
meaning – useful, kind, helpful, important, valuable
example – These new machines are worth their weight in gold.
green idioms

give the green light
meaning – permit/allow
example – The council have given the green light for a new school to be built.
grass is always greener on the other side
meaning – other people’s lives seem more desirable than your own
example – I’m in a relationship, but I wish I was single. The grass is always greener.
meaning – immature, inexperienced
example – The new apprentice is a little green. He needs more practice, but I think he’ll be great.
green around the gills
meaning – look ill/pale
example – The children looked green around the gills as they stepped off the rollercoaster.
green with envy
meaning – very jealous
example – My pals will be green with envy when they find out I have Katy Perry tickets.
greener pastures
meaning – an improvement on one’s current situation
example – Everyone is leaving for greener pastures; the pay is rubbish here.
have green fingers/green fingered
meaning – good at gardening
example – My nan was green fingered. I must get it from her.
pink idioms

see pink elephants
meaning – hallucinations caused by drink or drugs
example – Those pills we took were crazy. I saw pink elephants for days afterwards.
tickled pink
meaning – very pleased/amused
example – Gary is going to be tickled pink when I tell him the good news about his house.
red idioms

as red as a beetroot
meaning – really red in the face usually caused by embarrassment
example – I go as red as a beetroot when I have to talk in front of a group of people.
catch red handed
meaning – someone sees you doing something bad
example – The diamond thieves got 10 years in prison after they were caught red handed.
go red
meaning – your face turns red with embarrassment
example – Paul went red when he forgot his lines in front of the whole school.
in the red
meaning – in debt
example – My business is in the red. If I don’t start making money, it will go under.
paint the town red
meaning – go out drinking, dancing, and have a good time
example – I have a major headache! We painted the town red for Johnno’s birthday.
red herring
meaning – a misleading clue
example – There are so many red herrings in the film. You will never guess who the murderer is.
red hot
meaning – something is very hot
example – Don’t go near the iron, it’s red hot.
red tape
meaning – official rules and proceedings that take time
example – I was going to buy an old church to renovate, but there was too much red tape.
red-letter day
meaning – a memorable day as something good happens
example – It’s a red-letter day for Rangers. This time 6 years ago they won the league.
roll out the red carpet
meaning – treat someone like royalty
example – Wales rolled out the red carpet when their rugby team arrived back with the trophy.
see red
meaning – become very angry
example – Brett saw red when he caught some thugs robbing an old man.
silver idioms

born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
meaning – born into a rich family
example – I would hate to have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I like working for my things.
silver fox
meaning – a handsome grey-haired man
example – Rufus was a geek at school, now he’s a silver fox.
silver screen
meaning – the film industry
example – Jane is off to America; she wants to be on the silver screen.
silver surfer
meaning – an elderly person who uses the internet
example – I’m teaching my grandad how to use eBay; he wants to be a silver surfer.
other colour idioms

colourful life
meaning – have an interesting and exciting life
example – Poor Ronnie passed away yesterday. At least he had a colourful life.
grey area
meaning – not clearly defined, unclear
example – We’re not sure who is meant to be doing the ordering, it’s a grey area.
off colour
meaning – feel slightly unwell
example – The dog has been a bit off colour for a few days. I might need to take him to the vets.
pass with flying colours
meaning – pass easily, with a very good mark
example – If I train hard for the next 3 weeks, I should pass my army exam with flying colours.
show one’s true colours
meaning – reveal your real thoughts, behaviour, feelings, intentions etc.
example – The new girl soon showed her true colours by breaking into the company safe.
shrinking violet
meaning – a shy/modest person
example – She’s not a shrinking violet, she works in a strip club.
meaning – a cowardly person
example – Some yellow-bellied idiot keeps stealing the flowers from my mum’s grave.
Have a little listen to this song which is about ‘true colours’.
white idioms
as white as a sheet
meaning – become pale because of shock, fear, sickness
example – Kayleigh went as white as a sheet when she was getting her tattoo done.
black and white
meaning – something is clear, straightforward
example – The rules are black and white. If you cheat, you will be removed from the school.
wave the white flag
meaning – indicate to the other team you surrender
example – We had to wave the white flag. We ran out of paintballs and were 4 team members down.
white elephant
meaning – a useless possession or investment
example – My caravan is a white elephant. The weather is always bad, so no one wants to rent it.
white lie
meaning – a small innocent lie with good intentions
example – We told grandma a white lie. We said we loved her cabbage soup.
meaning – professionals or office workers
example – All my family are white-collar workers.
white-knuckle ride
meaning – a scary experience/situation
example – I went on a white-knuckle speedboat ride, I was so scared.