A nerve is a group of fibres inside the body that transmits impulses from the brain to different organs in the body. The plural is ‘nerves’.

nerve idioms list

Let’s look at some popular body idioms that contain the word ‘nerve’.

  • bag of nerves
    meaning – very nervous
    example – I get my results today, I’m a bag of nerves.
  • get on one’s nerves
    meaning – annoy/irritate someone
    example – My boyfriend got on my nerves, so I locked him in the conservatory.
  • have a nerve
    meaning – someone is arrogant, brash, cheeky
    example – My son has a nerve. He asked for lunch money. but my husband already gave him some.
  • hit a nerve
    meaning – provoke a reaction (anger, sadness etc.) by talking/reading about a sensitive subject
    example – The people protested when the government stole public money. They hit a nerve.

nerve idioms list with pictures

Here’s some real life picture examples.

idiomatic expressions with body parts - nerves
nerve idioms list - bag of nerves meaning
common body idioms NERVE in English - get on one’s nerves meaning
common body idioms NERVE in English - have a nerve
common body idioms NERVE in English - hit a nerve meaning