wolf idioms and expressions
Here’s a list of idioms about wolves with picture examples.

a lone wolf
meaning – an independent person who prefers to operate alone
example – I love traveling the world alone. I’m a lone wolf.
a wolf in sheep’s clothing
meaning – a dangerous person who pretends to be harmless
example – Be wary of Lucas. I’ve got no proof, but I think he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
cry wolf
meaning – keep raising a fake alarm
example – Janine always cries wolf, so nobody believed her when she was really sick.
keep the wolves at bay
meaning – fight to stop some sort of trouble reaching you
example – I managed to pay the bailiffs £200, that should keep the wolves at bay for a bit longer.
wolf down
meaning – eat something very quickly
example – Julie wolfed down her food too quickly. Now she feels sick.
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